ADB SMELoC 2 Working Capital Financing
Eligible Borrowers
- Registered MSME whose annual turnover is below Rs. 1.0 bn and the number of employees is below 200.
- Sub-loans should be provided only for targeted MSMEs in Agriculture, Tourism, Manufacturing, Technology & Export-oriented sectors.
- Eligible only for Working Capital loans.
SMILE III Revolving Loan Scheme
Eligible Borrowers
The investment in fixed assets, excluding land and buildings (owned or leased) at original book value should not exceed Rs. 150.0 Million on completion of the subproject.
Eligible Sector
- Manufacturing and industrial sub-sectors
Eligible Purpose
Eligible Borrowers
The eligible borrower shall,
- be a Sri Lankan citizen employed abroad with a valid employment contract for a fixed term not less than one year.
- have a valid registration with Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment.
- hold an individual or joint Personal Foreign Currency Account (PFCA) with the bank.
- remit earnings of the foreign employment to the PFCA with the bank(minimum 3 months remittances should be credited to the bank).
Eligible Expenditure
- Commencing/expanding a business
- Purchasing/expanding/constructing a house
- Purchasing a land or vehicle
- Spending for education of children
Eligible Borrowers
Eligible Expenditure
- Cultivation of Short-Term Crops and their Nurseries, Cultivation of Paddy, Chilies, Onion, Pulses, Oil Seeds, Root & Tubers, Vegetable and other short-term crops i.e. Ginger, Sugarcane and Turmeric (Eligible crops and scale of finance will be as per the schedule circulated by CBSL)
- Home Gardening
- Warehouse Receipt Financing
- Eligible Projects
The investment in fixed assets, excluding land and buildings (owned or leased) at original book value should not exceed Rs. 250.0 Million on completion of the project.
- Eligible Expenditure
- Equipment for end-of-pipe treatment and equipment that will lead to reduced emissions or to a lower production of wastes by the enterprises thereby enabling them to comply with the National Environment standards;
- Equipment that leads to substantial reduction in the use of resources by existing equipment & machinery, or the phasing out of hazardous substances;
- Equipment that will substantially improve the safety of work places, especially with regard to the exposure of workers to potentially hazardous substances or noise, etc;
- Investments related to the relocation of highly polluting industries to special industrial estates that are equipped with waste treatment plants and investments by enterprises that set up and operate such treatment plants; and
- Equipment for the monitoring of pollutants in connection with (a), (b), (c) or (d).
- Installation of Solar power systems only for manufacturing industries are eligible upto Rs.10 mn for maximum capacity of 50kw.
- Eligible Borrowers
- An owner, lessee or a person having the legal right to undertake the proposed development upon submission of proof thereof of. ½ an acre or more land.
- In the case of leases the period of lease should be not less than 2 years in excess of the maturity period of the loan
- Eligible Expenditure
- Coconut planting with intercropping
- Replanting with intercropping
- Coconut mono-cropping
- Intercropping
- Establishment of Agro wells/Tube Wells/Deep Wells
- Establishment & Maintain of nurseries to provide planting materials for Intercropping
- Provision of Farm Machineries
- Constructions of cattle/Goat/Sheep Sheds
- Crop Protection Loans
ADB SMELoC Additional Financing III
- Eligible Borrowers
- The enterprises must be registered. Borrowers who are not formally registered may qualify to obtain loans if they can submit evidence that its business registration application has been accepted by the Registrar of Companies or the respective local government authority.
- Borrowers (the parent company and any subsidiaries) must have an annual turnover less than Rs.1000 million and less than 200 employees.
- Eligible Sectors
- Agriculture
- Agro Processing
- Manufacturing
- Fisheries
- Tourism
- Animal Husbandry
- Export Oriented Businesses.
Trading, Leasing and Renting businesses are excepted.
- Eligible Purpose
- Long-term Investments
-Construction work related to business
-New construction of a start-up business
-Expansion of existing business
- To install a Solar Panel System for the business premises.
- Leasing facilities can be considered under the scheme after obtaining prior approval from LPD for machinery and equipment but not for vehicles.
- Loans to purchase lands are not permitted.
Pledge Loan Scheme (Maha Season - 2024/2025)
- Eligible Borrowers
- Small & Medium scale (SME) paddy millers and corporative societies, subject to the maximum daily paddy milling capacity of 25MT per day.
- In addition such borrowers should have a valid business registration obtained from a relevant government institution
To purchase paddy in Maha season 2024/2025 only.
Stimulate package for re-energizing MSME sector in Sri Lanka
Component I: strengthening the Existing MSMEs and Start-ups
- MSME whose turnover of the previous financial year is below Rs. 1,000 million and the number of employees is below 200 (need to satisfy both conditions).
- The enterprises must be registered.
- Eligible only for Investment purpose loans.
Component II supporting MSMEs in the NPL category
- MSME whose turnover of the previous financial year is below Rs. 1,000 million and the number of employees is below 200 (need to satisfy both conditions)
- MSMEs that are in operational level but classified as Non-Performing Borrowers due to unsettlement of existing loans as a results of the recent economic downturn are eligible for obtaining loans under this component.
- Eligible only for Working Capital loans.
- Eligible Sectors
- Manufacturing
- Construction
- Export oriented
- Tourism
- Apparel
- Agriculture and Agro base industries